Jumat, 15 November 2013

[A167.Ebook] Free PDF Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

Free PDF Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

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Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

Free PDF Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

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Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers

Book Description Spaceship Handbook's subject is the historical development of the Spaceship during the 20th Century. Arranged in three Sections, "The Theoreticians," "The Entertainers," and "The Real Stuff," it presents an amazing collection of 75 designs and their stories - from Tsiolkovsky and Oberth's engineering papers, through the golden age of movie science fiction, up to the present day's Lockheed "VentureStar" and Rotary Rocket "Roton." Spaceflight historian Hagerty delves into the background story behind each design, examining the motivations of the designers in the context of the times in which they lived. The book's selection of these historically important Spaceships has a twist; none of these Spacecraft ever flew! However, from the information presented, we can see their importance to the development of Spaceships that did fly, and also on the world we live in. Each entry has a wealth of background information. For example, in the "The Theoreticians" section, we see illustrator Chesley Bonestell's wonderful artwork that appeared in Willy Ley's Conquest of Space, a book that accurately predicted space flight years ahead of its time. Plate XLI from this book, shows the Arizona Meteor Crater superimposed over Manhattan Island (with the crater centered roughly on Times Square). Today, it bears a disconcerting similarity to the September 11th terrorist attacks. However, Bonestell's illustration was done over 50 years ago to show the danger of Earth-crossing asteroids. In "The Entertainers," section, the 1930's comic strips and movie serials of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon get their just due. Not only did they affect a whole generation of future NASA engineers, the influence of streamlined design began with these ships. The baby boomer crowd will find that Captain Video, Space Patrol, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, and others from 1950's live TV space opera shows are included. Also from that era, George Pal's great science fiction films "Destination Moon," "Wh

  • Sales Rank: #1273384 in Books
  • Published on: 2001-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 540 pages

...an absolute must. Any model builder worth his salt could spend several years without coming up for air. --Scaleworld WEBSITE REVIEW, March 2002

Not enough can be said in praise of "Spaceship Handbook". This amazing tome is every armchair rocketeer's book of dreams. --Filmfax #89, Feb/Mar 2002

This encyclopedic tome is written with an eye toward modeling. Jon Rogers' fabulous technical illustrations make the modeler's task easier. --Toy Shop Magazine, February 22, 2002

From the Author
The late G. Harry Stine related the following in an address to the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) at their 39th Annual Meet in Tucson, Arizona in 1997: “People are always asking me what they can do to pay me back for everything I’ve done for them over the years. I tell them what Robert Heinlein told me years ago, ‘Don’t pay me back, pay forward to the next generation.’” His suggestion to “Pay Forward” has since become the unofficial motto of the NAR.

This book was a labor of love for me for more than four years. It is the book I always wanted to buy, but no one, apparently, wanted to write, so I decided to do it myself. I am thrilled at the response from hobbyists and aerospace professionals alike, but even more, I am delighted that it can serve as my payment to future generations.

From the Inside Flap
When the 20th Century dawned, the spaceship was a fantasy. By the time it closed, it was a commodity. See how one of humanity’s oldest dreams became astounding reality.

The driving force behind this evolution was imagination: The imagination of scientists and engineers, the imagination of authors and artists, the imagination of movie and TV producers. Despite hordes of detractors, their collective vision lifted us off of this planet in these ships of the imagination which led directly to our making our first actual teetering steps into the cosmos.

Spaceflight historian and rocket enthusiast Jack Hagerty chronicles the evolution of the spaceship during the century by examining 75 of them; some serious, some whimsical, some terrifying, and all fascinating. Jack delves into the background of each design, examining the motivations of and influences on the designers. Each ship is described and analyzed in detail. Each entry includes a data drawing by Jon Rogers sufficient for hobbyists and/or craftsmen to build a version of their own.

“Spaceship Handbook is a delight to own, to read from beginning to end, and to return to frequently in search of favorite nuggets. It gives spaceflight practitioners and enthusiasts alike an instant classic.” – Frederick I. Ordway III, Aerospace historian, science advisor for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

“The Holy Grail / of all things / Star Flight dreams / and Spaceship Wings / are made of!” – Curtis J. Hepworth, noted Buck Rogers authority and collector.

“This is such a treat for all the people who have been looking forward to it the past four years. How lucky are we to be able to buy a book like this. The fact it exists is miracle enough!” – Alex Seltsikas, Thunderbird fan extraordinaire and international Radio Controlled Rocket Glider competitor.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Reference For The Space Film Fan!
By M. Wolff
Jack Hagerty and Jon C. Rogers have put together an excellent hardcover reference dealing with the realism of rocket science as applied to the famous spaceships of science-fiction films and novels. Here are detailed technical drawings of such vehicles as the "Luna" from "Destination: Moon", the "Galileo" from Robert Heinlein's "Rocket Ship Galileo", the classic designs of Werner von Braun, the "Orbit Jet" from the "Rocky Jones Space Ranger" television series, as well as the ships seen in "2001: A Space Odyssey" (to name a few). The book discusses the practicality and background of each fanciful vehicle (as well as equally famous actual efforts such as the Dyna-Soar and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory) with not only an eye to the serious side of astronautics, but with a slight tongue-in-cheek approach in some instances. As an added feature: model rocket enthusiasts can also find tips on what might be required to construct actual flying models of the various designs. For the modeler, for the space enthusiast or for the SF-space travel film fan, this book represents an indispensable reference work.

24 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
Massive review of imaginary and might-have-been spaceships
By Stefan Jones
I should state up front that I know the one of the authors. He's the president of my old model rocketry club. That said, I'll try to do a fair review.
To start: Add a star if you build model spaceships, static or flying!
The _Spaceship Handbook_ is a huge book. It's college-textbook sized, and densely packed with text and illustrations. The formatting and editing are spotty in parts, but the author includes a mail-in form where readers can list typos and errors. None of these problems detract at all from the usefulness and entertainment value of the book.
As the title suggests, this is a book about spaceships. Some are the pipedreams of early pioneers such as Hermann Oberth and Tsiolkovsy. Others are based on magazine articles, TV documentaries, and books of the "glory days" of the classic spaceship, the 1950s. A large and fascinating section explores the almost forgotten genre of 1950s television space operas, such as Captain Video and Rocky Jones. There are also ships from movies and comic strips, as well as "might have beens" (the Air Force MOL space station, the Dyna-Soar) that in some cases were months from being flown.
There are plenty of photographs, and lots of wonderfully rendered scale drawings. I found the authors' comments on how they overcame gaps and inconsistencies in the presentation of the ships interesting. (Hagerty used a micrometer to determine the width of the fins on Tin-Tin's moon rocket.)
The _Spaceship Handbook_ includes a fair amount of material about turning the spaceships described into flying models. It isn't intrusive, however, so SF fans and historians with no plans to build models won't feel cheated. Indeed, rocketeers looking for straightforward plans using standard parts won't find them here. However, the pictures of modeler's wonderful projects might inspire you to break out your drafting gear and wood lathe.
As a sort of bonus, The _Spaceship Handbook_ includes as an appendix a large essay by Jon Rogers on atomic-powered spaceships. It's actually a good general survey on interplanetary travel and rocket science. The pros and cons of various systems (ion drives, fission and fusion rockets, Orion drive) are descibed, although not in as much detail as I'd like. I think this appendix deserves to be fleshed out a bit and printed as its own book!
To sum up: There's plenty here for modellers, SF fans, space fans, and historians of the Space Age. Highly recommended.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
The best resource bar none!
By David Horvath
I admit I was suffering from sticker shock at the price on this book. Then I saw it in person at a show and had to have it. I put it on my wish list and my wife got it for me this Christmas. The heft and size alone is what first struck me. Then I opened it up. This book covers it all in depth. It looks and reads like a college text book. If it ever appeared in print or on film in the U.S., it's in there. Even obscure topics like the Silver Bird and the USAF MOL program are covered in full detail. The text is easy to follow and very in-depth. The diagrams are a scratch builder's dream come true. Even if you are not a modeler and just have a general interest in spacecraft (real or fictional), this is a valuable resource. I was struck by how each topic was covered in a very serious manner, even the fun topics like the Wallace and Grommit and even Josie and the Pussycats (yes that's in there as well) space ships! This is a wonderful book and I couldn't be more positive about it! A++++++ Mr Hagerty and Mr Rogers!

See all 14 customer reviews...

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Spaceship Handbook, by Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers PDF

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