Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

[S805.Ebook] Free Ebook The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

Free Ebook The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

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The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

Free Ebook The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

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The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede

The Messianic Secret, which one century on is still the point of departure for all studies of the Gospel of Mark and of an understanding of the literary methods of the Gospel writers, is now available in English in this translation by J.C.G. Greig. Wrede's primary concern in his discussion of Mark is the doctrine of the messianic secret, the notion of a Jesus who, assuming messiahship at baptism, keeps it secret for much of his ministry until, after the confessions of Peter, he introduces the disciples to the idea of a suffering and dying Messiah. The idea of such a secret can be shown, from a study of the other Gospels, to have developed variously, and above all to go back to a period prior to Mark's work as the earliest evangelist. Wrede finds the theological source of the idea of a secret about the messiahship in a contrast between what the Church came to think of Jesus and how his life had been understood during his ministry. He suggests that because the Church came to think of Jesus as Messiah after the Resurrection, they came to explain the lack of explicit declaration of his messiahship by Jesus during his ministry by suggesting that (nevertheless) Jesus had after all secretly revealed himself as the Messiah. The doctrine of the messianic secret is, says Wrede, the after-effect of the idea of the Resurrection as the beginning of Jesus' messianic office". Furthermore, if this doctrine could have arisen only at a time when nothing was known of any open claim on Jesus' part to be Messiah, this seems to be positive evidence that Jesus actually did not represent himself as Messiah. Wrede was among the first to recognise the creative contribution of the writers of the Gospels, and to emphasise the necessity of a historical approach to the Church's traditions if we are to avoid a naive misunderstanding of the perspective from which the Gospels are written. His work is thus the foundation stone not only in the study of Mark, about whom he still has much to teach us, but also in the vexed area of the contribution of the evangelists to the Gospel. In this field Wrede's work is still essential reading, unsurpassed by the advances of the Form Critics, the Redaction Critics, whose work draws directly on his, and even of the more advanced literary critics of the present day.

  • Sales Rank: #1890796 in Books
  • Published on: 1971
  • Original language: German
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.72" h x 1.13" w x 5.72" l, .99 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 300 pages

Language Notes
Text: English, German (translation)

About the Author
William Wrede was born in 1859 at Bucken in Hanover. He became an associate professor at Breslau in 1893, and full professor in 1896. He died in office in 1906. Dr J.C.G. Greig was sometime Professor of New Testament at Westminster College, Cambridge, and lecturer on Religious Education at Jordanhill College of Education, Glasgow.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
By Steven H Propp
Georg Friedrich Eduard William Wrede (1859-1906) was a German Lutheran theologian, who was a professor at the University of Breslau; he also wrote Paul:. He wrote in the "Author's Preface" to this 1901 book, "For some time my particular attention has been claimed by ... whether Jesus saw himself as Messiah and so represented himself... Examination of the available tradition is, however, the subject which immediately concerns us..." (Pg. 1)

He observes, "If Jesus repeatedly commands sick people... to keep the fact of their healing secret, he nevertheless frequently performs his miracles in the full glare of publicity. Here lies an inner contradiction in Mark's presentation... Were the public healings to begin at a definite moment when these injunctions cease, then one could speak of a change of habit on the part of Jesus, occasioned by circumstances... since many of the miracles are public, the later prohibitions found after miraculous deeds lose their point." (Pg. 17)

He asserts, "during his earthly life Jesus' messiahship is absolutely a secret and is supposed to be such; no one apart from the confidants of Jesus is supposed to learn about it; with the resurrection, however, its disclosure ensues. This is in fact the crucial idea, the underlying point of Mark's entire approach." (Pg. 68) He states, "It emerges that ... Jesus' being and everything connected with it is ... a secret---not merely a secret of his consciousness but... an objective secret. Now it does not, of course, follow from this ... that this secret has to remain a secret for ever during the earthly life of Jesus and that he is himself consistently resolved on KEEPING it secret." (Pg. 80)

He points out, "These remarks [Mk 8:31-32, 9:31-32, 10:33-34] have often given occasion for the conclusion that Jesus could not have spoken so plainly about the end of his life as in the foregoing prophecies. We shall leave this conclusion aside, but the view of the passages on which it rests is correct. Jesus speaks of his passion and resurrection in such plain language that it is incomprehensible how there should have be anything incomprehensible in them!" (Pg. 94) He adds, "Jesus does not indeed MAKE a secret of his suffering and resurrection with his disciples, but it REMAINS a secret to them. But it is further tacitly supposed that afterwards, i.e., naturally, after the Resurrection, the secret falls like scales from their eyes." (Pg. 95)

He sums up, "We can find in Mark two ideas: (1) Jesus keeps his messiahship a secret as long as he is on earth; (2) He does, of course, reveal himself to the disciples in contrast to the people, but to them too he remains in his revelations incomprehensible for the time being. Both ideas... have behind them the common view that real knowledge of what Jesus is only begins with his resurrection. This idea of the secret messiahship covers a significant field in Mark. It dominates many sayings of Jesus, numerous miracle stories, and the entire course of the narrative as a whole." (Pg. 114) Later, he explains, "I have consistently kept two ideas apart: first that Jesus hid his messiahship and his being Son of God till the Resurrection and secondly that he was not understood by the disciples prior to this moment." (Pg. 210)

He concludes, "we now have a Christian approach the near relationship of which to ours can hardly be denied. This is the idea that Jesus becomes messiah only with the Resurrection." (Pg. 215) He adds later, "It may have been the original idea that Jesus was not known as messiah, and only the later idea that he WANTED to be unknown... If our view could only arise where nothing is known of an open messianic claim on Jesus' part, then we would seem to have it in a positive historical testimony for the idea that Jesus did not give himself out as messiah." (Pg. 230)

The vast majority of books about Jesus, or studies of the gospels, are quite "dated" after more than 100 years; Wrede's book, however, remains of current relevance and interest to anyone studying Jesus, or the gospels.

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The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede PDF
The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Library of Theological Translations), by William Wrede PDF

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