Minggu, 29 September 2013

[M574.Ebook] PDF Ebook Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

PDF Ebook Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

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Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

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Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May

"Beg, little girl."
Even my darkest fantasies never took me where I am now. Robbed of my freedom, my clothes and control over my decisions.
I am his captive. Confined in a gilded cage laced with pleasure.
However, this doesn't mean that there is no power left in my hands.

She didn't think I would go this far, but here she is. Collared and chained to the bed, completely at my mercy.
Mine to keep, mine to train, mine to please.
But Liz is unlike any other sub I have trained before.
She is dangerous.

**This is the second part of a 3-part Dark Romance serial with themes of kidnapping, captivity & steamy BDSM. Intended for audiences 18+ & not for the faint-hearted. Contains situations some readers might find objectionable.**

  • Sales Rank: #15423 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-01-15
  • Released on: 2016-01-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A great second installment, but it needs so much EDITING!
By Ash
A great second installment to this story, but jeez man, the editing! It needs a LOT of help. It was so distracting from the overall story, and that's never good.

In the second installment we find Liz still a captive prisoner as she tries to make heads/tails of her current situation. Naturally, Leonard is really no help to her (what a gem), nor is he forth coming about his plans for Liz, be it long term or short term.

I really like the setting of the story. They're close to civilization while at the same time secluded away from everyone, sort of out in the boonies in, what seems to me, like a beautiful setting. I also liked seeing Liz's continued, quiet resilience. She's naturally conflicted over her mixed feelings while in this predicament, but she doesn't lose sight of her spirit or strength. It's still too early in the story to feel any real connection to Leonard, both for Liz and as a reader, but I'm hoping that will come. I also have no grasp on Leonard, and again, hopefully it will all play out nicely as the story unfolds further.

I enjoyed seeing a tiny bit more of her messed up family. Her family is just...gross, terrible, and everything I aspire to never be. I can totally sympathize with how Liz feels about them, even though she's very young and still a bit immature. She's like a kid playing adult and she's suddenly finding herself in the deep end of the pool, but rather than drown she's actually attempting to deal with what's going on. I appreciate that in a female character. She's understandably emotional and has the occasional sob fest, but it's all within reason and I wouldn't buy her character without it.

Overall I'm excited to read the next installment, though I'm crossing all my fingers (and toes) that the editing won't be nearly as cringe-inducing. I would recommend this book to others, but just fyi, while it is a book about kidnapping, being drugged, BDSM, etc, it's really not THAT dark. I've read way worse.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Dark and masterfully atmospheric
By Babel Tower
For a while, I was lost in Liz and Leonard's isolated world. It was really hard to forgive this dominating man for what he's putting Liz through, but the truth is that the situation is masterfully described by the authors.

Forced submission, training, ropes and harsh punishment, all combine in an intense battle of wills that clash in arousing ways. I was disturbed a little bit by his unforgiving behaviour, but I enjoyed the tension that crackled between the characters, the smart situations, the mix of pleasure and pain that came from their mutual discoveries of each other and themselves when they faced their desires.

It's a splendid second part that oozes strength, lust and a little scare, and I'm eager to find out how it's going to develop in the next installment.

(I'm happy to give my honest opinion about this ARC.)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Up and Down with emotions
By Colleen
First let me say this, what happens in this second book made me a little mad. I have read a lot of BDSM books and can't remember any of the Sub being held against their will. Even if the master knows they like pain.
I had to keep reading because I wanted to see what Leonard was going to do to Liz. I think he was lonely and knew Liz was also. He should have told her the truth and let her decide if she wanted this lifestyle or not.
I also think deep down after Liz found out she did secretly want this lifestyle but didn't want Leonard to know.
This was the mystery of the story. I also wanted to see how far Leonard would carry out his scheme.
Couldn't put this one down. Had a lot of different emotions. Ended with another cliffhanger
I was gifted this book for an honest review

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Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May PDF

Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May PDF
Silent Daughter: Bound, by Stella Noir, Linnea May PDF

Jumat, 27 September 2013

[R727.Ebook] Ebook Home, by Helen Oyakawa

Ebook Home, by Helen Oyakawa

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Home, by Helen Oyakawa

When Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, rumors fly that all the Japanese on the West Coast will be relocated far inland into camps by the U.S. government. Wanting freedom for his family, Teddy Sato's father legally avoids their imprisonment by signing them up as sharecroppers in Oklahoma. Within three years the camp internees have been freed and within four, the War has ended. Yet a decade later the Satos are still beholden to the farm. Now a sixth grader, Teddy is determined to get them back to California, their real home. But how? Papa is dead, the drought continues, their debts grow, and Mama refuses welfare for her and her seven children. Teddy is stubborn and won't give up.

  • Sales Rank: #5195230 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: BookSurge Publishing
  • Published on: 2010-01-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .41" w x 5.25" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 182 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Helen Oyakawa was born and raised in Hawaii. She and her family lived in Chicago, Iowa, and back again in Hawaii before moving to Montebello, California. She and her husband are both retired, she as a teacher, and he as a retired minister. They have four adult children, and three granddaughters. This is her first book.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Japanese Family in Oklahoma
By James A Paris
I am amazed by the talent loose in the Oyakawa family. A few weeks ago, I read Michio Oyakawa's CANARY POND; and now, his wife Helen's book HOME about growing up in Oklahoma during and after World War II is another strong showing.

The story is told from one of the younger sons, Ted Sato, as he describes the difficulties of living as a tenant farmer in the middle of the Dust Bowl at a time when many locals were prejudiced against the Japanese because of the War. By agreeing to move to Oklahoma, they were able to escape having to stay in a relocation camp like Manzanar; but their lot was just as difficult, being so far from their family base.

When the father receives word that his own parents are dying in Japan (after the War), he travels to see them, despite the fact that he is not feeling very good himself. Once there, he dies before his parents do; and the news devastates his family back on the farm.

But as a result of the strength of their family ties and the resourcefulness of the children, they manage to eke out a living and even, at the end, plan a return to California. HOME is an excellent Young Adult novel with its emphasis of family and multi-culturalism. I strongly recommend both of the Oyakawa novels as good reads.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Must-Read!
By Carol J. Amato
Many of us who were born after World War II didn't know about the experiences of Japanese-Americans during that period of our history. I didn't even hear about the internment camps until I was in college. Home really opened my eyes and will open the eyes of anyone who wants to know more about that sad time.

The reader learns about the tribulations through the eyes of a young boy, Teddy Sato, whose family decides to become sharecroppers in Oklahoma rather than go to an internment camp in their own state of California. Life turns out to be far more difficult, though, despite their apparent "freedom."

Based on the experience of a real family, Home is a fabulous read for ages eight through adult. I couldn't put it down. In addition, I highly recommend this book for teachers who are doing units on World War II. It is an informative and refreshing change from battle names and dates; it gives the reader insight into the lives--the thoughts, fears, and dreams--of people who suffered just because of their ethnic heritage.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Triumph over adversity
By Mary Terzian
This story of a Japanese family caught in a dilemma between imprisonment and sharecropping is a masterful depiction of the day-to-day concerns of a large family, handling the repercussions of an extraneous political situation with dignity. Tenderness, feelings of concern for each other, loyalty, cooperation, ethnic pride and resourcefulness are deftly exhibited through the interaction of family members. This novel, based on real life, represents a beautiful example of family unity, recognition of individual responsibility within the clan, and the struggles to earn an honest living in an alien environment, facing adverse circumstances with courage, hard work and determination to succeed.

Mary Terzian
The Immigrants' Daughter: A Private Battle to Earn the Right to Self-actualization

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Home, by Helen Oyakawa PDF

Jumat, 13 September 2013

[W788.Ebook] Ebook A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken

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A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken

A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken

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A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken

Beloved, profoundly moving account of the author's marriage, the couple's search for faith and friendship with C. S. Lewis, and a spiritual strength that sustained Vanauken after his wife's untimely death.

  • Sales Rank: #14546 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-05-26
  • Released on: 2009-05-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .54" w x 5.31" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

Amazon.com Review
A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken, is a heart-rending love story described by its author as "the spiritual autobiography of a love rather than of the lovers." Vanauken chronicles the birth of a powerful pagan love borne out of the relationship he shares with his wife, Davy, and describes the growth of their relationship and the dreams that they share. As a symbol of their love, they name their dream schooner the Grey Goose, "for the grey goose, if its mate is killed flies on alone and never takes another."

While studying at Oxford, Sheldon and Davy develop a friendship with C.S. Lewis, under whose influence and with much intellectual scrutiny they accept the Christian doctrine. As their devotion to God intensifies, Sheldon realizes that he is no longer Davy's primary love--God is. Within this discovery begins a brewing jealousy.

Shortly after, Davy acquires a fatal illness. After her death Sheldon embarks on an intense experience of grief, "to find the meaning of it, taste the whole of it ... to learn from sorrow whatever it had to teach." Through painstaking reveries, he comes to discover the meaning of "a mercy as severe as death, a severity as merciful as love." He learns that her death "had these results: It brought me as nothing else could do to know and end my jealously of God. It saved her faith from assault. ...And it saved our love from perishing."

Replete with 18 letters from C.S. Lewis, A Severe Mercy addresses some of the universal questions that surround faith--the existence of God and the reasons behind tragedy. --Jacque Holthusen

“No brief review can do justice to the human depth of this book. It invites us to explore a beautiful dollhouse of love and to witness the destruction of a relation too exquisite to last.” (Washington Post)

“Here is a book for anyone who has truly loved another person.” (Christianity Today)

“[A] deep, uncompromising story about human and divine love.” (Los Angeles Times)

“A towering and noble work in its own right, wrought by a real craftsman . ..” (New Oxford Review)

“A gem of a book . . . delivers an extraordinary impact on the reader.” (Eternity)

From the Publisher
Beloved, profoundly moving account of the author's marriage, the couple's search for faith and friendship with C. S. Lewis, and a spiritual strength that sustained Vanauken after his wife's untimely death.

Most helpful customer reviews

161 of 165 people found the following review helpful.
A masterful story of love, beauty and spiritual insight
By L. Marshall
A Severe Mercy is a masterfully crafted autobiography and the story of an intensely deep love relationship, a profound introspective on their path to finding God, and the utimate bereavement the author experiences as his thirty-something wife dies of a terminal illness.
Along the way, their paths cross with C.S. Lewis; personal correspondence with him peppers the book, as does a collection of superb poems written by Vanauken. It explores complex theological, philosophical and aesthetic issues with deep insight and profoundly sharp perspective. I can't recommend it highly enough, it's truly one if the best books I've ever read - a work of art which crosses many dimensions.
Practically speaking, A Severe Mercy explores a number of crucial life issues with breathtaking clarity. First, the second chapter, "The Shining Barrier" distills more insight into the true workings of a wonderful marriage relationship than a dozen garden-variety relationship books from the self-help section of a bookstore. Anyone who wants to understand why their romance has cooled off after five or ten or twenty years of marriage (including myself) could use this chapter alone as a manual for re-kindling the fire.
Secondly, it explores the nature of a difficult spiritual journey in a most articulate way - the emotional, philosophical, theological and personal implications of the claims of Jesus Christ. This book is not in any way a Bible-thumping promo for Christianity; rather it examines the claims of Christ and their implications from logical, historical, aesthetic and personal viewpoints -- in a way that no thinking person can easily dismiss.
I gave this book to friends of mine, a highly educated married professional couple, before they went on a camping trip. They were struggling mightily to reconcile Christianity with their modern worldview and the book was instrumental in helping them accomplish a breakthrough.
Third, it delves into the difficult interior world of a person who is bereft of the love of his life and who must feel the sorrow and loss and yet go on.
A Severe Mercy plumbs the depths of all of these issues via beautiful prose, expertly crafted perspective, and provocative poetry. Highly recommended.

40 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
Super book, Poor edition
By D. Carter
I have loved this book over the years for all the reasons stated in the other reviews printed here and purchased it again here recently as a gift. You, too, will love the read. However, my comments are regarding the edition that is being offered here. The book quality from this publisher is exceedingly poor and not worth buying. Both the paper and the print are of the cheapest quality and are not worthy of a book of this excellence. Get the book, but get it from a better publisher.

61 of 70 people found the following review helpful.
A severely merciful God saves author from idolotary.
By A Customer
After putting it off for several years, I finally read A Severe Mercy, between Maunday Thursday and Easter Sunday, 1999. With Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection as the background, along with my wife's yearning to leave our Lutheran exile and join the Roman Catholic Church, I cried my way through the book, simply unable to restrain tears of hurt, joy, compassion, sorrow, and very strong empathy. These tears were also shed in the context of Little Lost Marion, Vanauken's story of finding the child Davy had at age 14, and which she put up for adoption, not aborting. Sheldon and Davy never had children, a pre Christian decision a Christian Vanauken came to regret.
Then it hit me. The power of the book doesn't lie primarily in the story of grief and lost love, as poignant and beautiful as it is. Rather, if we stop with Sheldon and Davy's love for each other, we will miss Vanauken's major point: Davy's death as God's "severe mercy" to keep Sheldon in God's love. Davy's death allowed God to destroy the 'shining barrier" of their love, kill that idol, and reclaim Vanauken for himself. Mercy, indeed, if you can handle it, and Vanauken, in God's grace did. Perfect Lenten and Holy Week reading! But also a perfect book to help Christians understand the lengths to which God will go to keep his children and to see that in the great hurts and disappointments of life, God's severe mercy is frequently at work.

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A Severe Mercy, by Sheldon Vanauken PDF

Jumat, 06 September 2013

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The Glass God (Magicals Anonymous), by Kate Griffin

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The Glass God (Magicals Anonymous), by Kate Griffin

Sharon Li: apprentice shaman and community support officer for the magically inclined.
It wasn't the career Sharon had in mind, but she's getting used to running Magicals Anonymous and learning how to Be One With The City.
When the Midnight Mayor goes missing, leaving only a suspiciously innocent-looking umbrella behind him, Sharon finds herself promoted. Her first task: find the Midnight Mayor. The only clues she has are a city dryad's cryptic message of doom and several pairs of abandoned shoes ...
Suddenly, Sharon's job feels a whole lot harder.

Shaman Sharon Li's adventures continue among the magical beings of modern-day London in this spell-binding sequel to Stray Souls.

  • Sales Rank: #1451203 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Orbit
  • Published on: 2013-07-09
  • Released on: 2013-07-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x 1.25" w x 5.50" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 464 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"I'm fully convinced that Kate Griffin is a literary sorceress. She weaves the most intricate spells with clever, artful, snarky, luxurious prose, characters who are both painfully human and gloriously badass, and settings so magical you forget they're real places. When I get my hands on a new Kate Griffin book I put down everything else. She's just that good."―N.K. Jemisin

"London's magic has seldom if ever been brought to life so electrifyingly and convincingly."―Mike Carey on A Madness of Angels

"Griffin's lush prose and chatty dialogue...create a wonderful ambiance."―Publishers Weekly on A Madness of Angels

"Griffin's novel mixes fantasy and reality into a plot that brings to mind Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere."―RT Book Reviews on A Madness of Angels

"Wonderful. This utterly charming protagonist easily elevates Griffin's second magical London series above the urban fantasy crowd."―Publisher's Weekly (starred review)

"Griffin does it again: In this outstanding follow-up to the excellent Stray Souls... the characters are so unique and enjoyable quirky."―RT Book Reviews (4 stars)

"Griffin has delivered another example of urban fantasy at it's best."―Library Journal

About the Author
Kate Griffin is the name under which Carnegie Medal-nominated author Catherine Webb writes fantasy novels for adults. An acclaimed author of young adult books under her own name, Catherine's amazing debut, Mirror Dreams, was written when she was only 14 years old, and garnered comparisons with Terry Pratchett and Philip Pullman. She read History at the London School of Economics, and studied at RADA. Find out more about the author at www.kategriffin.net.

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
A disappointment
By bimargulies
The Matthew Swift novels were lovely. New ideas, interesting reading, characters with engaging conflicts. The first Sharon Li novel seemed a clever pivot: Swift was just too settled to avoid 'puzzle box' plots, so why not shift to another set of characters in the same imaginative space? However, the relentless 'happy talk' of Sharon is a joke that wears. It was worn out by the end of the prior novel, and it's just tiresome in this book. Particularly piled atop Kelley's very similar tendencies. The little chapters inspired by an AA circle were just tolerable in the first book, but becomes distraction and fill in this book, where we spend no time at meetings.

How many times does Sharon Li get too tired to see straight? Is it three times? Four times? If this was comic exaggeration, that would be fine. It feels instead as if the author couldn't think of anything else.

Finally, there's a moral dilemma that is very prominent in the middle of the book, and apparently just fluffed at the end. Perhaps the author is conserving it for resolution in another book. I won't spoil with details.

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
By k1tsun3
This series is just wonderful, and this book is excellent! If you haven't read any of the books in the series, read at least the first one, Madness of Angels, and the fifth one, Stray Souls, before you read this one, If you have read the other books, Matthew Swift, the Midnight Mayor, has gone missing, and it's up to Sharon Li, Shaman, to find him. All the wonderful characters from Stray Souls are helping out as well.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Entertaining, but drastic tone switch from the first series
By Denise Paolucci
The Magicals Anonymous books are an entirely different sub-genre than the Matthew Swift books, despite being set in the same world. The Glass God is okay -- definitely an entertaining read -- but nowhere near as innovative and compelling as the Matthew Swift quartet. Those were genuinely ground-breaking; these are a retread of the same tired comedic fantasy tropes I've read a hundred times before. It feels like Griffin was aiming at the same territory Terry Pratchett's Discworld books cover, and missed by a mile.

I probably won't buy any additional books in this particular series, but the first series was innovative enough that I'll give any other series she puts out a try.

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The Glass God (Magicals Anonymous), by Kate Griffin PDF
The Glass God (Magicals Anonymous), by Kate Griffin PDF